Augmented Reality Telekom - "T-Challenge"

The digital shopping assistant for smartphones

Compare smartphones at home with virtual advice

T-Mobile US and T-Labs, the research and development department of Deutsche Telekom, have jointly launched the T-Challenge. This is a global competition for start-ups, developers, researchers and designers to present innovative research and solutions on how 5G networks and Extended Reality (XR) technology can transform retail. This is a global competition for start-ups, developers, researchers and designers to present innovative research and solutions on how 5G networks and Extended Reality (XR) technology can transform retail.

And Mazing was among the finalists.

We have considered what problems you have when buying a smartphone online. We have considered what problems you have when buying a smartphone online.

In our project with Deutsche Telekom, we have developed a virtual avatar that tells you more about different smartphone models. Users can also select their old smartphone and then compare it with new models at their own desk.

The result in this video:

AR can do more than just place products in the room

Interactive elements that enable users to interact with the virtual world and thus create an immersive experience are an important component of AR.

There are different types of interactive elements in AR, which can vary depending on the area of application. One example of interactive elements in AR are virtual buttons that users can click on to trigger certain functions. These can be used, for example, in an AR app for the interior view of a building to call up information about specific rooms or objects.

Another way of interacting in AR is through gesture control, where users can make certain movements with their hands or head to control or manipulate virtual elements. This type of interaction is used in AR games, for example, where users can pick up or push virtual objects.

Another form of interaction in AR is voice commands, where users can execute certain commands using their voice to control virtual elements. This type of interaction is particularly practical when users need their hands for other tasks and still want to control the virtual world.

Overall, interactive elements in AR offer users a wide range of options for moving and interacting in the virtual world. They therefore help to make AR applications appear immersive and realistic and thus offer a great user experience.