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In today’s digital world, the visual presentation of products is becoming increasingly important for online stores. An effective way to arouse the interest of visitors and offer a special shopping experience is to integrate 3D models on websites. 3D models improve the customer’s imagination and provide more certainty when making a purchase.
They can also be used in a variety of ways, for example for 3D renderings, 3D viewers, 3D configurators or the web augmented reality function.
But how can you add 3D modeling to your own website? We will now go through this step by step together.



Methods for adding 3D models

There are various methods and integration options for 3D models on your own website. The most important thing is to recognize which one is best for the company. Mazing works with all options and filters out the best one for its customers.

What exactly are 3D models?

Before looking at the types of integration of 3D models, it is important to know what they actually are. 3D models are digital representations of objects in a three-dimensional space. In contrast to conventional two-dimensional images, 3D models offer a more realistic representation of products. They take depth, volume and perspective into account. When integrated as a 3D model, the product can be viewed from all sides and rotated in any direction. These models can have different shapes, textures and details. Mazing creates 3D models with special software in just a few minutes and requires only 3-4 product photos.

Integration with Plugin

The first option for implementing 3D models on the website is plugins. Plugins are special programs that can be embedded in a larger software environment to provide additional functions or services. These include 3D models or 3D viewers. Companies can download a plugin from Shopify, for example, and integrate the desired 3D models into their website.

Integration with Script

Scripts are another method. Scripts are programs or command instructions that execute certain actions or functions. This involves inserting an HTML code into the header of the website. This allows your website to communicate with the Mazing platform to enable the embedding and control of 3D models. This method is comparable to the installation of Google Ads or the Google Tech Manager. It is based on a similar approach.

Integration with iFrames

iFrames (inline frames) are HTML codes that make it possible to embed a separate HTML document within another HTML document. In the context of 3D model integrations, iFrames are used to embed an external 3D model view into a website. The external HTML document is provided by Mazing and contains all the necessary controls for the 3D model. Each of these options has individual advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, however, they all serve the same purpose. They allow companies to offer their customers an exclusive customer experience quickly and easily.

Create and integrate 3D models

Step 1: The creation of 3D models
There are many different methods for creating 3D models, which were described and explained in detail in another blog article. The right choice is essential for the successful use of the desired tools, such as the 3D viewer or 3D configurator. Mazing also acts as a consultant in this aspect and helps its customers to select the right models.

Step 2: Choose the right method for integration
As already listed in the first part, there are various options for adding the 3D models to your own website. The team is also there to answer any open questions and check which option is the right choice for the company.

Step 3: Add 3D models to the website
Mazing takes care of the entire integration of the 3D models and installs them effortlessly on the website in just a few seconds. Depending on customer requirements, the 3D configurator or the Web AR solution can also be installed as an option. Once these points have been completed, nothing stands in the way of you experiencing the positive effects of 3D models on your website. The innovative product presentation increases the conversion rate and goes hand in hand with rising sales figures.

3D models Product groups

3D models are suitable for all products and companies that want to offer their customers a special shopping experience. These can be jewelry, shoes, clothing or sunglasses. In addition to the optimized visual presentation, a virtual try-on function can also be offered for these product groups.

It gives you the opportunity to try things on in augmented reality and see how you like them and whether your sunglasses fit your face shape, for example. Furthermore, 3D models are essential for furniture stores, household appliances and artists. Here, the Web AR function can also be integrated as an option, allowing customers to virtually place and try out the products.

Advantages of 3D models

The use of 3D models has a number of advantages:

  • Improved visual presentation: 3D models enable companies to present their products or services in an appealing and immersive way. This increases the interest of visitors.
  • Interactive experience: By integrating 3D models, visitors to a website can view the products or services from different angles and explore them interactively. This leads to an optimized user experience and increases customer satisfaction.
  • Increase conversion rates and sales figures: Our case studies and AR projects have shown that the use of 3D models on websites leads to a higher conversion rate, as it increases customer confidence and influences their purchase decision.


3D models are very important for the visual presentation of products in online stores. They not only optimize the product view, but also the entire customer journey. By implementing these models, companies can look forward to a promising future with a wide range of opportunities. Mazing GmbH is the team of experts that can help you with all your questions. Let us advise you now and find out how 3D models can positively influence your company. Discover new opportunities and see how your online store stands out from the competition.