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AR applications

Business lines of augmented reality


Inspiration for your industry

Our web-based augmented reality software can be used in a wide variety of AR applications. As AR e-commerce professionals, we are of course ideally positioned to transform your product presentation. However, thanks to our experience in a wide range of industries, we certainly have ideas for other applications.

Whether you already have 3D models or need to create new ones, the Mazing platform and solutions are flexible and can cater for businesses and brands at every stage of their immersive journey. Thanks to the aMazing team of 3D and AR experts and creative minds, there are virtually no limits to our AR software. Here are a few highlights.

When you see this Käsekrainer in the garden... you simply have to order the grill.
Sales tool for workshop equipment
Bringing archaeological finds into your own home
Viral marketing for Tesla preparation and paint shop.
A trophy for graduation that you can show off everywhere. (Psst... while promoting the university).
Richard Lugner
Placing our favourite master builder at home... or just a marketing stunt for Lugner City?
A postcard with a hotel to place at home - looking forward to the next booking
Finally a Mona Lisa in your own home. It is also an extremely effective sales tool for artists.
Just try the hoody virtually.
Products for animals
From scratching posts to linen - exceptionally presented
3D printer
Sales tool for website and direct sales.
Smart Devices
Innovative products and 2D images from yesterday? No thanks!
Don't just order, experience it.
100,000 for a jpg? Let's make it AR instead.
Tiny Houses
Simply place a house in front of the building.
Gaming tables
Easier purchasing decision for billiard table customers
Very classic - AR furniture. Waiting until Amazon implements WebAR may not be the best idea
Please take a real shower gel with you in the shower, otherwise your mobile phone will break. Nevertheless, a transformative product presentation.
School is boring? Certainly not with virtual suns.
What happens when a child projects a virtual toy onto the car carpet?
Works of art hard to sell? Not with AR.

Keine Grenzen

Durch Web basiertes AR schafft Mazing bahnbrechende, neue Marketingansätze in 3D und Augmented Reality. Der gezielte Einsatz von AR Anwendungen auf Websites, bei direkten Kundengesprächen oder zum Beispiel auf Social Media hat unseren Partnern schon signifikante Erfolge erbracht, hier finden Sie unsere Erfolgsgeschichten. Käufer können Ihre Produkte in AR von überall aus virtuell probieren. Sie können ein Foto mit diesen lebensechten Produkten machen und in ihren sozialen Medien posten und sogar mit Freunden und Familie teilen. Sie können ein Gefühl dafür bekommen, wie etwas in ihre Umgebung passt und herausfinden, ob die Produkte zu ihrem Stil passen.

Von Aida Whirlpools im Garten, Hydrosoft Infrarotkabinen im Wellnessbereich bis zu dem Bärenhotel am Schreibtisch und frisch lackierten Tesla von Jürs in der Garage – alles ist möglich!

Wir möchten Unternehmen helfen ihr Alleinstellungsmerkmal auszubauen, ihre Konversions- Rücksenderate zu verbessern und ein unvergessliches Erlebnis zu bieten. So können diese ihr volles Potential ausschöpfen. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie mit uns gemeinsam in die Zukunft schauen und wir Ihnen in einem kostenlosen AR Beratungsgespräch ein paar Ansätze zeigen können.

The function not only proves to be a proof of competence for prospective customers, but also enhances the image of existing customers, who can now proudly display their whirlpool everywhere.

Aida GmbHAR Whirlpools

Website visitors and future customers can visualise how our products look in reality much better with 3D and AR.

SoftTieAR Plant binder

You can now experience and design our Toshiba Haori at home before you buy it. A new form of infotainment.

ToshibaAR Klimaanlagen

I was completely blown away when I tried the AR application for my hotel for the first time. What an extraordinary marketing tool!

Bear Hotel South TyrolAR for hotels

My customers can now place my garden cubes in the garden before they buy them. The illustration is true to scale and gives the customer an immediate feeling of which model fits best.

GardomoAR for garden sheds

Before Mazing, I kept getting feedback that it was difficult to imagine what the pictures would look like at home before the purchase

OctophinaAR for paintings

Your sector is not yet included?

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