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In the world of e-commerce, augmented reality (AR) has proven to be a ground-breaking technology that is revolutionising the way customers shop online. Augmented reality in e-commerce enables consumers to integrate virtual content into the real world and experience products virtually before purchasing. This blog article explores the impact of AR on the e-commerce sector and how companies can utilise this technology to improve their customers’ shopping experience.

What does WebAR mean?

WebAR is augmented reality without an app. You can find a complete overview of web vs. app AR here.
In a nutshell, this means that all experiences can be displayed and experienced entirely via a web browser on a mobile phone, tablet or PC. So you don’t need a separate app download for this.

Why do I need AR in e-commerce?

AR helps to increase interest in a brand by providing highly interactive content. You stand out from the competition and offer the customer an unforgettable shopping experience.

Product images are passé

Static product images like this are boring and not interactive enough.


Mazing WebAR

WebARis the future

Dynamic 3D images increase the customer’s interest and increase the willingness to buy. Like here, for example:


Customers can play with the Mazing product, they can zoom in and out, they can select product types and variants.

And most importantly, you can see the products to scale in your own home with augmented reality in e-commerce.

This new visualisation helps the customer to imagine the product as if they had already bought it and placed it in their home. The visual experience that previously only shops could offer is no longer a hurdle.


Why would a customer want to do that?

There are many reasons for this, for example:

Customers want to experience large, bulky products at home first and show them to their family via a screenshot. The willingness to buy then increases significantly.

Seeing a chair in a shop is one thing, but being able to virtually place it to scale in your living room and test the feel of the room is not something that physical retail can offer.



WebAR E-commerce sample projects

To the projects

Test it yourself now


How do I integrate AR in e-commerce?

WebAR can be easily integrated into the product gallery. Interactive 3D models are displayed instead of standard photos. The following options are available for smooth integration:

  • Plugins
  • iframe
  • Script
  • Google Tag Manager

Mazing offers a suitable solution for every variant. Find out more here.



AR in e-commerce offers a wide range of applications to create new brand values and opportunities for almost any customer-centred industry.

Any company that wants to make a name for itself and grow its following now and in the future should utilise this new technology, which will only get better with time.

The advantages of augmented reality at a glance:

  • higher conversion rate which leads to more online sales
  • check at a glance whether a product fits in terms of size and design
  • try different products without having to leave the house, regardless of opening hours
  • offers a virtual “try before you buy” approach
  • Unique selling point compared to regular online shops